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* TPA : Third Party Administrator know more

Find your nearest cashless network hospital
Cashless hospitalization is a hassle-free way to get medical treatment without worrying about upfront payments. When you're covered by a cashless health insurance plan, like the one offered by Royal Sundaram General Insurance, you don't need to handle financial transactions directly with the hospital. This takes away the stress of managing bills and lets you focus on your recovery.

How does cashless hospitalization work
with Royal Sundaram?

Hospital Selection

Start by choosing a hospital from Royal Sundaram's network of healthcare providers. These are hospitals that have a tie-up with the insurance company to offer cashless services.

Informing the Insurer

Notify Royal Sundaram about your hospitalization within the specified time frame.

Document Verification

The claim management team will review your documents. Once verified, they will send an approval to the hospital.

Possible Queries

In some cases, the claim management team might have questions or require additional information. They will communicate any queries to you or the hospital.

Approval and Settlement

After approval, your medical bills will be settled according to the terms of your policy. This means you won't have to worry about paying the hospital directly.

Your Simple Roadmap to Reimbursement Claim Submission

Step 1

Intimate Claim

Call 1800 568 9999 or intimate claim online.

Step 2


Provide the necessary Documents. Eg. Bills , Hospital name

Step 3

Claim Approved

We will approve your claim and keep you updated.

Understand the role of TPA in health insurance

Not everyone may be familiar with the term "Third-party Administrators" (TPA) in health insurance. But that's okay! We can break it down and explain it in a Easy way.


A TPA (Third-party Administrator) in health insurance acts as a middleman between you (the policyholder) and the insurance company when it comes to claim settlements.


A The health insurance company selects the TPA to handle the claim settlement process on their behalf.


TPAs make the claim settlement process easier by handling tasks like processing documents and paying hospital bills.


TPAs are licensed by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI), ensuring their credibility and compliance with regulations.


Insurance companies partner with TPAs to ensure a smooth and efficient claim settlement experience for policyholders.


It's possible for one TPA to work with multiple insurance companies, making their services accessible to a wider range of policyholders.


Remember, understanding health insurance and its terminologies might seem overwhelming at first, but taking it one step at a time can make it much simpler to grasp.